Compressed queues
QueueExplorer supports queues with compressed messages. It’s controlled by “Body compression” from the “View” main menu or from context menu within messages list. This support includes:
- Support for GZip and Deflated streams, as well as zip archive with a single file inside.
- Displaying decompressed messages.
- Using decompressed content when creating custom fields (XPath, JSON, Regex).
- Compressing messages after editing or when new message is created.
- Compressing messages which come from other places: copy/paste, drag&drop, load from file, etc.
- Automatic compression/recompression when messages are moved/copied between queues with different compression.
- Message preview panel shows current compression mode, and whether decompression failed (i.e. message could not be decompressed).
For QueueExplorer Professional “Body compression” setting is stored separately for each Queue view, so you can have compression turned on only for queues where it’s used.
Things to be aware of:
- If QueueExplorer can’t decompress a message within compressed queue, it will try to keep its original content. E.g. if you copy it within compressed queue, it will be copied as is, without any compression. However, if you edit such message, it will be treated as a new message and will be compressed.
- Changing “Body compression” setting only changes how QueueExplorer displays and manipulates messages - it doesn’t recompress existing messages in a queue. If you want to really change compression of messages, move messages to some temp queue, change “Body compression” on original queue, and move them back.
- QueueExplorer Standard has a single “Body Compression” setting for all queues. If you have a mix of compressed and uncompressed queues, or use different compression type, you should consider using Professional edition.