With new Wine 3.0, it’s finally compatible enough to allow QueueExplorer to run under Linux! That’s a good news for users running ActiveMQ on Linux and needing more powerful management tool. However it looks ugly at this point, installation is cumbersome, but once it’s running firsts tests look promising. How did I get this working? […]
Developer’s perspective – Azure Service Bus for MSMQ users, Part 5
For the last part of this short series, let’s take a glance at some high-level differences between Azure Service Bus and MSMQ from developer’s point of view. We can’t cover much in a single blog post and, so let’s just mention few things to get you started. Story of two APIs Actually, Azure Service Bus has […]
More about messages – Azure Service Bus for MSMQ users, Part 4
Let’s talk a bit more about Azure Service Bus messages and what’s different compared to MSMQ. For start, there are mechanisms to hide messages and delay their processing. This is available both in queues and topics/subscriptions. Deferred messages If a message shouldn’t be processed immediately but shouldn’t be deleted for good either, you can defer it. While message is […]
More about queues – Azure Service Bus for MSMQ users, Part 3
Special subqueues Each Azure Service Bus queue has several subqueues. There’s no possibility to create your own custom subqueue like you can in MSMQ. Also, there’s no journal like we have in MSMQ to keep all received messages (if turned on). There are no outgoing nor 3 system MSMQ queues. Let’s see what we do have. […]
Topics and subscriptions – Azure Service Bus for MSMQ users, Part 2
Topics and their subscriptions represent publish-subscribe (pub-sub) messaging pattern. If you’re coming from MSMQ, that’s a new concept. What’s the difference to plain old queue? Simplest scenario for a queue (and arguably most common one) is – single sender and single receiver: Of course, we could have multiple senders, but that doesn’t create problems unless we want to […]
Introduction to Azure Service Bus for MSMQ users, Part 1
This series of blog posts is intended for those who already have some MSMQ experience and would like to know more about Azure Service Bus. It’s based on my own experiences when I learned about Azure, what was familiar and what not, and what looked familiar but surprised me in one way or the other. Since […]
Beta Azure Service Bus support in QueueExplorer
We’ve been working on Azure Service Bus support for QueueExplorer for a while, fought hard with its API not suited for our needs, but finally, it’s ready for beta testing. You can check it here: www.cogin.com/QueueExplorer/prerelease/ Why should you try QueueExplorer if you’re working with Azure Service Bus? QueueExplorer is explorer-like tool, which gives you insight […]
QueueProxy on MSMQ cluster
Managing clustered MSMQ was always tricky, since it runs as a separate instance, i.e. more or less like a separate “virtual” computer with MSMQ installed. When you try to manage it from QueueExplorer you’ll see that there are some limitations since it’s done in remote mode, either from one of cluster nodes or from some other […]
MSMQ Heartbeat checks with QueueMonitor
Here’s how wikipedia describes heartbeats in computing: In computer science, a heartbeat is a periodic signal generated by hardware or software to indicate normal operation or to synchronize other parts of a computer system. How can we apply heartbeats to MSMQ? We can start with simple heartbeat checks – QueueMonitor sends message to a queue, […]
QueueExplorer 4.0 final is available now
QueueExplorer 4, our tool for managing MSMQ and ActiveMQ, is out of Beta. What’s new in v4.0? This is the first time we put full product documentation online so that’s an easy way to check some of the features and how they can be used: QueueExplorer documentation Or just download it here: Download QueueExplorer