Process SQL

This task periodically executes SQL scripts and transforms result to in-memory messages. You can define any number of Message actions to be performed on these messages, for instance send them to queue, save to file, etc.

How QueueMonitor creates messages from result rows?

Since result from SQL query is a table, we create in-memory message from each row. For each row, result columns are mapped to message fields. You can directly map columns to message label and body. Just specify names of these columns.

If you need to use other result columns further in processing, you can map them to Custom values and they will be available in all actions which support macro values. For instance it could be used in If/Else condition, to modify parts of message, etc.

SQL Settings

Specify how QueueMonitor will query database, and what will it do with results.


Choose one of existing or create new connection to SQL Server.

SQL Command

Specify a query which will be executed each time.

Map result columns to message fields

Specify which column from result set will be used for message label, and which for message body.

Map other columns to custom values

All other columns from result set can be mapped to custom values, to be used later in Message actions. Specify column name, to custom value it will be mapped, and type of that value. Type is important if value is later used as a condition for If/Else or in other queries.


Configure when the task should be performed.

Configuring task schedule


Actions which will be performed for each result row.

Message actions