Message filtering

Message filtering allows you to choose which messages will be included when task is executed. Note that since queue is FIFO structure, messages on top are the oldest. Exception to this rule is if there are messages with different priority.

Only top x messages

Only topmost x messages will be processed. This is top limit, if there are currently less messages than specified here QueueMonitor will not wait for additional messages to show up.

Older than

You can choose to include only messages older than specified number of days, hours or minutes.

Advanced query

You can build more complex query using various message properties: Label, Body, Size, Time since arrival, etc.

Combining filters

Filters can be combined. QueueMonitor will combine them using logical AND operation. For example, if you choose “Top 100” and “Older than 2 days”, QueueMonitor will process first 100 messages older than 2 days.