What's new in QueueExplorer 3.0?

Connect to multiple MSMQ servers (PRO)
QueueExplorer Professional can connect to multiple MSMQ servers at once. Servers can be organized in hierarchical groups for easier management.
Grouping servers
Tabbed interface(PRO)
QueueExplorer Professional can open multiple machines and queues in tab interface, making it easy to work with multiple resources at same time.
Tabbed interface
Subqueues will be displayed on machines running MSMQ 4.0 or higher. Number of subqueues is displayed after queue name and message count.
Together with standard queue operations, messages could be moved to another subqueue or main queue.
Moving to subqueue
Message filtering
Messages in a queue could be filtered by any field, or using auto filter.
Message filteringAuto filter
Complex queries are available too:
Filter builder
Body view in main window
It's no longer necessary to open message to see its body - it's always visible in panel below messages list.
Body view in main window
Body viewer got support for WCF messages. In order to decode WCF messages, .Net 3.0 or higher must be installed.
WCF View
In place Text and color coded XML body editors
XML messages are now editable using color coded XML editor. Both Text and XML bodies could be directly edited, without opening editor window.
Saving multiple message bodies
Message bodies can be saved to files - each body to separate file. File names will be automatically created by macro replacement, based on message ID, label, or sequence number.
Save multiple bodies
Performance improvements for large queues
All operations involving 10.000+ messages are significantly quicker.
New file format for saving messages, with reduced memory usage and file size
New file format supports mq save files in gigabyte range, without consuming huge amounts of RAM during save/load. New file format is compressed, reducing its size. Messages from older QueueExplorer versions could be loaded.
Limiting maximum number of visible messages straight from toolbar
User can quickly change how many messages will be loaded - useful for big queues.
Top messages
Resizable message view
Message view can be resized, allowing easier display and editing of big bodies
Additional message properties for "Create new message"
Several more fields could be set when new message is created from QueueExplorer: Format, priority, recoverable.
Minimum .Net version is 2.0
.Net 1.1 is no longer supported.

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